May 2nd: Texas Panhandle Squall Line

Strong convection mid-afternoon in the eastern Texas Panhandle. High CAPE but weak shear, with a squall line likely.

Interesting wall cloud west of Childress, but soon outflow takes over.

Dramatic sunset south of Quanah.
May 3rd: West Texas Supercell - Kent County

Early afternoon thundershower near Guthrie, Texas. But the real action today will be further west.

Later in the afternoon, storms begin firing near Lubbock. I turn south in Dickens to get in position at the southern edge of deep convection.

First tower of what will become southernmost storm.

In front of a developing storm eight miles south of Spur, Texas.

Very warm, moist air is feeding this high-based storm.

Updraft base of this cell is a couple of miles from larger storm to the northwest, which had earlier formed just east of Lubbock.

The storm strengthens as it drifts slowly eastward.

Signs of rotation as a rainy downdraft approaches from the north.

An interesting lowering....

...with signs of rotation. However, no tornado forms, probably due to high LCLs and weak mid-level winds.

Updraft soon turns into a downdraft.

Small cloudburst.

Smooth, laminar bands show continued rotation. By now, this is the southern end of an MCS.

Ahead of the advancing storm at dusk.

Overall a very good storm chase day. Also my first supercell of the year (good old reliable May).