
We visit the town of Pisa on a beautiful autumn day.

After this familiar sight, we enjoy walking through the scenic town, stopping for a good lunch and getting some gelato cones before continuing on the train to Cinque Terre, a series of five villages along a stretch of northwest Italian coastline.
Cinque Terre

We arrive in Riomaggiore, at the southern end of Cinque Terre, in mid-afternoon and begin a cliffside walk to the next village up the coast. With our lightweight gear fitting in daypacks, we are ready to stop anywhere that offers a decent room.

Beautiful views of the calm Mediterranean on a mild afternoon.

We arrive in the small town of Manarola as sunset approaches. But most places are shut down for the season, so we jump on the train to head to Monterosso, the largest of the five towns.

Monterosso on the following morning. We found a comfortable hotel room in the center of town and a very good restaurant that stays open in the off season.

We take the train back south to Corniglia and start along the coastal hiking trail to Vernazza.

Scenic path north of Corniglia.

Walking through one of the many olive groves.

Rough and hilly at times, but with pleasant Mediterranean scenery.

Another home for stray cats.

The trail cuts across steep slopes with patches of fall color. Monterosso is in the distance.

Beautiful town of Vernazza.

We sit down to eat hot pizza in the main square of Vernazza.

On the main street, where we stop for some gelato (a nearly daily occurance during our tour of Italy).

Just north of Vernazza, the trail passes through a small vineyard.

Looking back down at the colorful village.

Another cat shelter along the trail, where we donate some spare change.

Finishing the walk.
Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo for lunch. It feels just like Newport Beach, except perhaps the outdoor ice skating rink. We spend the night in the French Riviera town of Beaulieu sur Mer.

We finish our Europe tour where we began it, in Place de la Concorde, the heart of Paris.

But one more evening first, with a final candle lighting in Notre-Dame, where we also sat for part of a mass.

As we crossed the Seine on our way to dinner in the Latin Quarter, I take the final photo of our five-week trip. This was our first tour of Europe and a unique experience. Every city was worth a visit, but if we were to return to just one city for vacation, it would be either Paris or Venice (though when the weather is a little warmer). On the other hand, travelling in Europe makes us appreciate even more the incredible beauty and lifestyle offered along the Orange County coast.